Conquer Connect Groups

Monday, 1 March 2021 12:00 AM - Thursday, 15 April 2021 1:00 AM MST

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Elijah (In-person) - Jessie Morgan Partial Approval - $30.00

Every serious believer longs to summon up the kind of boldness and faith that can stand firm on Mount Carmel and pray down heaven into impossible situations. Yet few are willing to go through the process required to get them there. Strength of faith, character, and boldness can only be shaped in the hidden fires of silence, sameness, solitude, and adversity. Those who patiently wait on God in the darkness emerge with their holy loyalty cemented, their courage emblazoned, and their confident belief in Him set afire. Join Priscilla Shirer on this 7-session journey through the life and times of the prophet Elijah to discover how the fire on Mount Carmel was forged in the valley of famine. And how the emboldened, fiery faith you desire is being fashioned by God in your life right now.

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YES! (In-Person) - Shelby Honeycutt Partial Approval - $30.00

Our "YES" is powerful! "Yes" is more than a word, it is a lifestyle we live, it the condition of our heart. We have said "yes" to Jesus, but do we know what our yes actually means? Throughout the Word of God we find person after person, who said "yes." We see their lives radically transformed and all of the powerful things that God did through them. Too often, we find ourselves discouraged that our "yes" hasn't had the same results. In this study, we are going to find out what our "yes" actually means. There is power in our "yes!" Week 1 - Yes is no. Week 2 - Yes starts in our heart. Week 3 - Yes is obedient not convenient. Week 4 - Yes is a private discipline not a public appearance. Week 5 - Yes is planted not potted. Week 6 - Yes is set-apart not isolated. Week 7 - Yes is spirit led not emotionally driven.

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Soul! (In-Person) - Cindy Morgan Partial Approval - $30.00

My Thoughts + My Words + My Emotions = My Life My Thoughts - Deciding the Destination of Your Mind. Our minds are created for thinking. Many things can and have influenced our thinking. Romans 12:1-2 says, “Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” When we align our thoughts with the Word of God, (His thoughts), we give access to the supernatural power of God to be released in our lives. My Words - Life Giving or Lethal Proverbs 18:21 says, “Life and death are in the power of your tongue.” Your words matter. They will give life or take it. The alignment of our words with His truth produces life. My Emotions - Got Emotions?  Emotions are like children, you can’t let them drive, but you can’t put them in the trunk either. Provers 25:28 says that, “A man without self control, is like a city broken into and left without walls.” The person who lives by or ignores emotions, lives without the principle of truth.

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Soul! (Online) - Cindy Morgan Partial Approval - $30.00

My Thoughts + My Words + My Emotions = My Life My Thoughts - Deciding the Destination of Your Mind. Our minds are created for thinking. Many things can and have influenced our thinking. Romans 12:1-2 says, “Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” When we align our thoughts with the Word of God, (His thoughts), we give access to the supernatural power of God to be released in our lives. My Words - Life Giving or Lethal Proverbs 18:21 says, “Life and death are in the power of your tongue.” Your words matter. They will give life or take it. The alignment of our words with His truth produces life. My Emotions - Got Emotions?  Emotions are like children, you can’t let them drive, but you can’t put them in the trunk either. Provers 25:28 says that, “A man without self control, is like a city broken into and left without walls.” The person who lives by or ignores emotions, lives without the principle of truth.

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YES! (Online) - Shelby Honeycutt Partial Approval - $30.00

Our "YES" is powerful! "Yes" is more than a word, it is a lifestyle we live, it the condition of our heart. We have said "yes" to Jesus, but do we know what our yes actually means? Throughout the Word of God we find person after person, who said "yes." We see their lives radically transformed and all of the powerful things that God did through them. Too often, we find ourselves discouraged that our "yes" hasn't had the same results. In this study, we are going to find out what our "yes" actually means. There is power in our "yes!" Week 1 - Yes is no. Week 2 - Yes starts in our heart. Week 3 - Yes is obedient not convenient. Week 4 - Yes is a private discipline not a public appearance. Week 5 - Yes is planted not potted. Week 6 - Yes is set-apart not isolated. Week 7 - Yes is spirit led not emotionally driven.

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Discerning the Voice of God (In-person) - Shirley Lytle Partial Approval - $30.00

Do you feel that the ability to hear God's voice is for other people and not for you? Is it only for people who lived in Biblical times? Not at all! The God who loved you enough to die for you loves you enough to talk to you. And wherever you are in your spiritual walk, God will find a way to speak to you in a way you will understand. Become acquainted with the Voice that has spoken from a fire and a cloud, with visible signs and an invisible Spirit, through a burning bush and burning hearts. Hear from some of the most well known Christians in history about how God speaks to them, and discover for yourself how you can discern the voice of God. One of Priscilla’s bestselling titles, Discerning the Voice of God is now completely revised with updated content and reflection questions. Each section contains insights that will aid you in your desire to hear Him speak. Discover the treasure of recognizing how God keeps in touch with his beloved people.

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Truly Free (In-person) - Heather Smith Partial Approval - $30.00

Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (Matthew 28:18). As believers, we have Christ and never need to be afraid. Yet it’s also true that we are not immune to the effects of evil. Christ has conquered sin and death, but in his infinite wisdom—for reasons that are often difficult for us to understand—evil is still permitted to exist. Even if we’re saved and trust in Christ, we may still find areas in which we just can’t get victory. Maybe it’s a sin we’ve confessed again and again or a constant struggle with depression, anger, or lust. These long-imbedded patterns of shameful living continue to entangle us day after day, month after month, and even year after year. Although evil is real and Christians can be oppressed by it, we have the promise that the one who is in us is greater than the one who is in the world (1 John 4:4). Jesus saves us, trains us to resist the power of evil, and delivers us from anything that holds us back. With Jesus, we can be t

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Monday, 1 March 2021 12:00 AM - Thursday, 15 April 2021 1:00 AM MST

All of our Bible studies function on a first come first serve basis! There are limited seats in each study listed below.  We cannot hold your spot for a study without payment up front.  Your payment will cover all of your class material. Our spring studies start the first week of March!

The Feed Store Church 719-852-2361

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